My Story - The Beginning

A little back history on me.

I had the normal dysfunctional family growing up - divorced parents, constant drama, etc., etc. I'm absolutely no different than you. We have the same history.The life changing event for me, was getting pregnant my first year in college. Now, this would be a life changing event for anyone for the most apparent of reasons. But the reason it changed my life is because it set me back on track.

Let me explain. I played with baby dolls until I was 13 years old. Probably a little older, but 13 is the number I feel comfortable putting on out there. I did well in school and therefore was placed on a one way track to college. I didn't want to go, but it was what was expected of me, so it is what I did.

When I got pregnant, I dropped out of college, got married, and began my family. THIS is what I always wanted. Having children and my own family was what I was meant to do. I knew it before anyone else did.

So, the funny part to all of this is how much my children have made me who I am today. Again, getting pregnant when you are 18 is a life changing event. Hell, getting pregnant at any age is a life changing event. But the time when all of my friends were at frat parties and Spring Break, and I was at home caring for my young family, made me who I am today.

My children raised me. I learned everything that is important to me today from the time I spent raising them. Here are some examples of who I am and why.

I'm an early riser
I don't necessarily consider myself a morning person. But I do enjoy waking up before everyone else in the house, making a cup of coffee, and having some "me" time. I do that for my own sanity. Because back when they were young, it was the ONLY time I'd get to myself. And now that they've grown and they are barely home and when they are they sleep until noon, I still get up before everyone else, make myself a coffee, and have some "me" time.

I go to bed early
This has a lot to do with the fact that I wake up early. It also has a lot to do with the fact that when they were young I was completely exhausted from being on guard all day.

I eat healthy
Now I didn't always know what healthy was. When the kids were young, they always had a hot meal. Breakfast was usually homemade pancakes with cornstarch-y syrup. Lunch was something like, frozen chicken nuggets, macaroni and cheese, and a vegetable. And dinner was a frozen salisbury steak family dinner package that I threw into the oven while a made some instant mashed potatoes and a vegetable. I was young and uneducated in healthy food. But that has changed and my children now eat organic whole foods, home made with love.

I exercise
Kids have energy. A LOT of energy. And raising them it was important to get them outside. We had a trampoline, a swing set, bicycles, and we walked a lot.

Teenagers do NOT have a lot of energy. So, now I exercise alone, the way I want. And maybe one day they will again too.

I am motivated to prove myself
Going back to the work force after being out for 6 years was hard. It was even harder without a degree. So, I worked really hard and it paid off. But that has become a defining feature of who I am professionally and personally. Everyone who knowsme would tell you that I am a hard worker - some may call me regimented, or motivated, or driven. There are many words for it. But I have it, whatever you call it.

There are so many little things about who I am today that all come from the fact that I was a young, teenage mother, who didn't want to be labeled as a young, teenage mother. I just wanted to be a mother - a good one. I wanted to succeed, to teach success, and to create successful children. This is what has motivated me my whole life.

So... now what? My first born has left for college and the girls are right behind him. Having children at a young age was great for me then. I just have to figure out what it means for me now..and my future - without them.


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