
Showing posts from September, 2018

Good Grief

I'll be honest, I've never known anyone close to me to die, so when Brian passed last year, I got my first dose of what it was like. The only way I can explain it is this - Grief is like being pushed off the high dive while you're wearing a super big sweatshirt, heavy jeans, and boots (because you weren't expecting to and you don't even want to swim). And the pool is filled with scary, painful, unknown, angry and sad feelings that soak into your clothes and pull you under repeatedly. And as you're struggling in all of that - totally accepting that you're here but still barely gasping for air - you look outside the pool and see all of the happy and fun memories sitting in the lounge chairs. And even though you want to enjoy those memories, somehow the angry and sad feelings have soaked through your clothes and just weigh you down - pulling you even deeper into the pool making those happy memories a part of the struggle. Yeah - that's pretty much it. B