
Showing posts from August, 2015

My Self Proclaimed Mid Life Crisis

Several people have inquired about my new hashtag #myselfproclaimedmidlifecrisis. I've gotten an outpouring of love from family and old friends who have reached out, and that has been wonderful. So, I feel like I should go ahead and set the record straight. My first born moved off to college Logan defined me for a very long time, and in so many ways. He and all of the kids really - but he was my first. Logan moving out and going to college hit me hard because it makes me realize that it's all happening so quickly. Soon enough the girls will be gone too. Like literally - 5 years. What does that mean for me? Who am I without them? I need to figure that out. My marriage has fallen apart My marriage has always been rough and I accepted that as part of the journey to our "ever after." However, let's go back to the questions above- What does that mean for me?  Who am I without him? I mean, if I spent the rest of my days after the kids are gone left in