
Showing posts from August, 2016

Your Path vs. My Journey

I've recently had several conversations with a close friend who is struggling with life. My friend was raised a Christian who, for the most part, followed a youth of asceticism. He walled himself off from the things that distracted him from his beliefs. He was strong and, while he slipped a few times in his teen years, he repented - staying on track and doing what he thought was right and good in the eyes of the Lord. As he grew older and unhappy, he was faced with temptations. His life became confusing and his guilt became overwhelming. Making decisions that rose from his own deep depression, he grew further and further from his faith. This is the exact opposite of my own life. I was not raised a Christian. I was allowed to make my own mistakes without the guidance of the bible. I often overindulged and this created a very emotionally tumultuous young adult life for me. However, by consequence of my excessive behavior, somehow I was led to a path that required me to examine m