This Is What 1978 Looks Like

Tori Amos has a song called The Waitress. Back in the good ol' Evans Seafood days I would listen to it after a bad day at work. Listening to Tori's haunting vocals and scream-singing along as I drove home always made the bad days better.

Well, today was my first day back as a server in a restaurant after, what, 10 years? Wow. Things are different now. For example, I spent an hour and a half in a classroom setting, complete with a menu quiz before I got to walk the floor following a server. The computer systems are much more intuitive - I like that. But at the end of the day, it's just the same - hospitality and food service.

I'm the second oldest person in the place - and the age gap is pretty big. I had a hard time dealing with the fact that my peers are only a few years older than my son. We played, "Guess What Year I Was Born" most of the night. The good news is, I don't look as old as I am (or these kids are really bad at math). The bad news is, I obviously don't know what a 21 year old looks like anymore - I blame all the beards.

At one point in the night Red Hot Chili Peppers Breaking the Girl came on. And for that short moment, I felt like it was 1994 and I was 15 years old, bussing tables at Evans Seafood. It was definitely one of those flashback moments.

So, overall, it was fun. It wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. And it definitely wasn't as annoying either. I have 4 more training sessions before I actually get to wait my own tables and make some money, but the servers that work there say that they are satisfied with their tips. So, until something better comes along, I'll give this a go.

Let's hope for some fun stories to come out of this. I need some material. :)


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