The Life of an Entrepreneur

Well, my life certainly has taken a fork in the road.

I went from unemployment, spending all day in my running clothes or my bathing suit - writing, reading, sunbathing, and sketching, to waiting tables - turning down one job offer for another, and continuing to get offers from customers regularly - while continuing my consulting work.

It's quite busy and I'm enjoying it. For example, last night, I was waiting on a fun couple; I taught the engineer husband that there really IS a difference between pints across the world (go ahead look it up - there is a difference between a pint and an imperial pint). I think he really enjoyed being challenged to "Google" the difference. After that initial conversation, he kept making comments about how I'd be a great members to "the team."

So finally, I look at look the wife and ask,  "Are you assembling a team of Super Heroes?" Both of them laughed as she handed me her card and offered me a position at her real estate office.

It's kind of been like that lately. I keep getting these offers - offers to do things that are risky and entrepreneurial, but obviously work for certain personality types (maybe mine). I just have to take into consideration that I have responsibilities that are actually on the grid. So, while it may sound fun to take one of these risky, fun, exciting, entrepreneurial opportunities, I can't help but to want a consistent, boring, dependable 9-5 J.O.B.

The waitressing is NOT pulling in as much as I need to get by and the resumes are going out faster than responses are coming in. But I have NOT lost hope. There is something out there and I'm going to keep looking for it.

In the meantime, I've found a co-worker who plays classical guitar and another who works for ESPN but doesn't have any local friends. I guess it sounds like I'm going to entertain them and enjoy life a little.

Also, I have a couple of concerts coming up (WooHoo Francois for making it big time). And even though my daughters will tell you that I'm "anti-social," I insist on making time for myself.

So, I've made plans to meet with a young, green mare that has never been ridden and to start hanging out with friends at social venues, when I'm not busy being a mom, waitress, or consultant.

I just need to keep filling the hours until I know exactly what I'm supposed to do next. That shouldn't be so hard... Right?


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