Train Wreck

Wow. Just wow! I am really so surprised by all of the outpouring of love and acceptance that I've received from my friends and family since I started writing this blog.

I have to be honest, I had no intentions of anyone really caring about what I wrote. This was merely for me. For my healing. For my own accountability. Like, if I write it, it becomes real and I have to stand behind it. I have to face it. I have to look it in the eye and deal with it.

But so many people have reached out to me to thank me... seriously - to thank me. It's strange that I can write something so personal to me and someone else can relate to it.

Stats for the last 24 hours - apparently, I have a 2 am reader

I want everyone to know that there are days that I write and I am afraid to publish. I even schedule it for the next day so that I can "sleep on it." And I toss and I turn all night wondering, "Should I really let that out there? Should I let something so personal to me become public?" But I do, because, I really never thought that anyone would even read it (except maybe like - 5 people).

This week though, I've had so many people reach out to me. Tonight alone, I had so many people texting, chatting, and Facebooking that I don't even know if I had a chance to reply to them all. I was sitting at batting practice talking to the moms and my phone just kept dinging. It was unbelievable. I was like, popular (for a 15 year old).

Thank you to everyone who is reading (and not judging me and immediately unfriending me). Thank you even more for reaching out to me and showing me support. I have no idea where my journey is taking me. I'm really completely oblivious to where I'm headed. But if you want to follow me, if you want to watch this potential train wreck, have fun! I'm warning you though - I start waitressing next week... so this is about to become either a tragedy or a comedy. Either way, I'm sure it will be entertaining!


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