
Brevity doesn't come easy to me. My mind is filled with words. Words that make thoughts and thoughts that build sentences. And sentences that pour out of me in excess. I have so much to say.

Has it always been this way? Have I always been overwhelmed with the thoughts in my own head? Is that what that feeling was? No. I don't think so. When I have a thought, I express it fluidly.

I think that feeling was emptiness. An emptiness of thought, feeling, words, and inspiration. It all comes so easily now.

I've also been so thirsty for this feeling. Parched. Dry. Empty. But not anymore. The words I hear and read, they invoke such a passion from inside me.To express. To regurgitate it all. I need it all out of me.

I am afraid that the loneliness will eat me alive. It's only been a short time and the hours pass so slowly. I fill each minute with tasks to pass the time. I sleep as much as I can to consume the hours without having to think.

But for now, in this instant, the loneliness is a guide. A map to find my own soul. I will follow it where it takes me. Through tears and laughter. Through anger and fear. Wherever it takes me, I will go.

Eventually the destination will become apparent. One day I will be able to look in front of myself and see what it is I've been forging through all of this for.

Left foot.
Right foot.

One day, it will all make sense.


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